Class Name
Learn how to attack VoIP
Tactical VoIP: Applied VoIPhreaking
the Grugq
The definitive training regimen for assessing and securing your networks.
Ultimate Hacking: Black Hat Edition
SensePost classes in the recommended order that they should be taken
Beginner level. An introduction to the art and science of computer hacking.
Hacking by Numbers: Cadet
Novice level. A highly practical course that teaches method-based hacker thinking, skills and techniques.
Hacking by Numbers: Bootcamp
A second session has been added to the Weekday.
Intermediate level. A course that explores the challenge of writing and using tools for assessments and penetration testing.
Hacking by Numbers: Field Engineering
Advanced level. This course is all hack, no talk.
Hacking by Numbers: Combat Training
A second session has been added to the Weekday.
Advanced level. The world’s first objective technical grading system for hackers and penetration testers.
Hacking by Numbers: Combat Grading
Advanced level: Push Asp.Net to the limit. See how Asp.Net applications and environments can be exploited by skilled attackers, and how those same techniques can be used to protect the targeted assets.
Advanced Asp.Net Exploits and Countermeasures
No Source? No Symbols? No Problem.
Advanced Malware Deobfuscation
Jason Geffner & Scott Lambert
Intense course encompassing binary analysis, reverse engineering and bug finding.
Analyzing Software for Security Vulnerabilities
Halvar Flake, Black Hat
New course offering from the creator of BugScan
Automating Exploit Detection: Cutting-edge Tools and Techniques
Matt Hargett & Luis Miras
Learn the basic principles behind current rootkit subversion techniques. Developed by the founder of rootkit.com
Offensive Aspects Of Rootkit Technology
Sherri Sparks
Essential background material for effective reverse engineering.
Reverse Engineering with IDA Pro
Chris Eagle
Learn to reverse engineer real-world virus samples.
Reverse Engineering on Windows: Application in Malicious Code Analysis
Pedram Amini & Ero Carrera
Advanced class developed and taught by the creators of Root-kit.
ROOTKIT: Advanced 2nd Generation Digital Weaponry
Greg Hoglund and Jamie Butler
This is a ONE DAY course.
New course utilizing state-of-the-art reverse engineering software.
Versioning Analysis With SABRE BinDiff
Halvar Flake & Rolf Rolles
This introductory course is for those interested in entering the field of malicious software analysis.
Advanced Incident Response: Determining Functionality of Captured Unknown Binaries
This course has received rave reviews.
Digital Investigations: Practical Digital Forensic Analysis
the Grugq
A comprehensive course for investigating the suspected use of digital steganography
Discover the Hidden: Steganography Investigator Training
WetStone Technologies
“Live” enterprise investigation training.
Live Digital Investigation Investigating the Enterprise
WetStone Technologies
This course is the first of its kind and focuses entirely on hardware hacking.
Hands-On Hardware Hacking and Reverse Engineering
Techniques: Black Hat Edition
Joe Grand
Earn NSA Certification.
NSA InfoSec Assessment Methodology Course (IAM) -Level 1
Security Horizon
The followup course to the IAM. Earn NSA certification.
NSA InfoSec Evaluation Methodology (IEM) - Level 2
Security Horizon
A practical, step-by-step approach to securing an entire organization.
Enterprise Security From Day 1 to Completion:
A Practical Approach to Developing an Information Security Program
Chris Conacher, Black Hat
This one-of-a-kind training course will arm attendees with the skills needed to design, deploy, maintain and troubleshoot even the most sophisticated ISA Server infrastructure and DMZ configurations.
ISA Ninjitsu: Designing, Building, and Maintaining Enterprise Firewall and DMZ Topologies with Microsoft ISA Server 2004
Timothy Mullen and Jim Harrison
Discover flaws in database security and effectively develop strategies to keep attackers out
Advanced Database Security Assessment
NGS Software
Delves deeply into Oracle server security and complements the Advanced Database Security Assessment Course
Breakable: Secure Your Oracle Servers By Breaking Into Them
David Litchfield & Mark Litchfield
Working through lab examples and real world vulnerabilities to take you to the next level
Exploits 101
Allen Harper
Learn how to expose the inner mechanisms of exploits and how they work. The class is highly hands-on and very lab intensive.
The Exploit Laboratory: Analyzing Vulnerabilities and Writing Exploits
Saumil Udayan Shah
A new hands-on course offering from the creator of Hacking Cisco Networks
Infrastructure Attacktecs & Defentecs: Cisco Voice Over IP
Steve Dugan & Rodney Thayer
Extremely popular and intense hands-on course.
Infrastructure Attacktecs & Defentecs: Hacking Cisco Networks
Steve Dugan
Wireless Security Class... Hot!
Invisible Network, Invisible Risk
Adam Laurie
Learn all the intricacies of DNSSEC.
Practical Guide to Deploying DNSSEC
Xelerance Corporation