Briefing Prices

Training Prices
Please check individual training description pages for training prices.
Registration Hours
- July 20: 16:00–20:00
- July 21: 08:00–12:00 & 16:00–18:00
- July 22: 08:00–12:00 & 16:00–19:00
- July 23: 08:00-12:00 & 16:00-18:00
- July 24: 08:00–12:00 Briefings
- July 24: 13:00–21:00
- July 25: 08:00–12:00 & 16:00–18:00
- July 26: 08:00–12:00 & 14:00–17:00
- Onsite Registration rates apply after July 20.
- Do not register twice if you do not receive a confirmation email. If you find yourself registered twice, complete the Registration Cancellation Form immediately. Standard Cancellation Terms and Conditions apply. Please send a note to us ( if you do not receive a confirmation of enrollment email within 2 hours of your registration. Black Hat reserves the right to cancel your duplicate, unpaid registrations without notice.
- Do not register twice if you have registered for either the Briefings or the Training and would like to add an item. Use the "Add a Class" form to make additions to your existing registration. Duplicate registrations for the same person will result in delays at the time you pick up your credentials at the show or a cancellation of all orders from the same person. Black Hat reserves the right to cancel your duplicate, unpaid registrations without notice.
- Registration fees are per item. There is a separate line item cost for each training session and the briefings.
- Registration fees do not include travel, lodging or parking validation. All delegates are responsible for making their own arrangements and any associated fees.
- Save for Later: If you opt to select "Save for Later", you have not completed your registration. Any selections you have made may be sold out or pricing may increase. All guaranteed seats are first come, first paid.
- Once you've completed your Black Hat registration, you can also pre-register for DEFCON and save $50 | details here
Registration Terms & Conditions
You agree to our Registration Terms and Conditions when you register online through our website.
Special Request Forms
Credit Card Change Request Form | Wire Transfer Information |
Credit Card Payment Form | Add a Class Form |
Registration Cancellation Form | Change Class Form |
Substitution Request Form |
Questions or Concerns?
All inquiries, correspondence and issues related to conference registration should be directed to Black Hat via email ( or fax (+1 415-947-6011)
Academic Registration Back to Top

Academic Pass registration is open to any member of the academia who can prove they are either a full-time student or full-time professors at an accredited university. An academic pass gives students and professors access to the Black Hat Briefings during the 2012 series of events.
We welcome those members of the academic community who can meet any one of the criteria below for students or professors to take advantage of the academic rates for Black Hat Briefings.
- Verifiable full-time academic status at an accredited college or university. Full time students are 9 hours graduate or 12 hours undergraduate.
- Copy of current quarter's schedule of classes.
- A valid, accredited university ID.
Full-time University Professor
- University webpage showing the registrant is a fulltime (not adjunct) professor.
- Letter from the registrant's department head on university letterhead stating fulltime status.
- A valid, accredited university ID.
- Standard Terms & Conditions Apply.
- Academic registration may be granted for the Briefings only.
- There are no Academic rates available for Training.
- Academic rate registration is not eligible to combine with any other discounts or promotions.
- Online registration only.
Once you have completed the steps to register for the Black Hat Academic rate, we will review/verify the information provided and determine your eligibility within 3-5 business days. For additional questions please contact the registration team at
Group Registration Back to Top

Group discounts are available for groups of 6 or more attendees. All members of the group must be registered at the same time, on the same form. Late additions to a group are not allowed. The discount rate is applicable for the Briefings only, there are no additional discounts for training unless there are 6 or more persons from your group attending the same class and session, and will be based on the rate at the time that we receive your completed Group Registration Form and list of delegates.
Requests must be received by Jun 15 and registrations must be paid in full by July 1.
- 10% off when you register 6 or more people
- 15% off when you register 12 or more people
General Notes
- Group registration requests are not available after Jun 15, 2012.
- We cannot retroactively apply a discount to a group if they have registered as individuals.
- If you have already registered and paid in full your registration, you are not eligible for a discount if your organization also submits and qualifies for a group registration. You may cancel your registration minus the $300 registration fee by Jun 15 if you wish to partake in your organization's group registration.
- Once we have processed your request for a group registration, we will email all members of the group a confirmation.
If you qualify for a Group Registration Discount and would like to take advantage of this, please download the Group Registration Form, complete and fax to (415) 947-6011.
Once you have completed the Black Hat Group Registration, we will review/verify/process all members of the group within 3-5 business days. For additional questions please contact the registration team at (415) 947-6966 or toll free at (866) 203-8081, Monday-Friday from 9am-4pm PST.
Please make a point to pre-register. Group Registration will close on June 15, 2012, and any additional registration after this time will be at the current stated Black Hat Briefings rate on Registration at the live event will be at the full on-site delegate registration fee.
Group Registration FormPress Registration Back to Top
Any member of the broadcast, print, and Internet media who can prove they work for an organization or publication that covers computer security on a regular basis can apply for a free press pass.
We welcome anyone to apply for press credentials but reserve the right to deny you a pass. As such, please be prepared to show us copies of your articles, either at your publication's Web site or on the publication's masthead, should we request it.
At the show, please be able to present a business card, and government issued picture id, article on your organization's masthead and contact information for your assignment editor should we need it to validate your credentials before issuing you a pass.
During the conference we will provide a press room with Internet access and electrical outlets for laptop computers. If you need a separate room for filming interviews, please request it in advance in the comments section. Let us know if there are any other special needs such as speakers you want to interview when you arrive or other items such as computer access to file stories or a fax machine.
- Press registration is usually granted for the Briefings only.
- Press passes for Training are rare, determined on a case by case basis upon request.
Please make a point to pre-register. Should you attempt to attain credentials on-site, we cannot guarantee you will qualify and must bring all information in the above paragraph.