Black Hat Europe 2012 //Welcome
Grand Krasnapolsky Hotel
mar 14 - 16
Registration hours: Tuesday: 16:00-18:00 Wednesday: 07:30-18:00 Thursday: 08:00-18:00 Friday: 08:00-18:00
The Black Hat Briefings have become the biggest and the most important security conference series in the world by remaining true to our core value: serving the information security community by delivering timely, actionable security information in a friendly, vendor-neutral environment.
This site is a portal intended to provide users with current, useful and relevant information resources regarding the upcoming Black Hat Europe 2012 conference.
- Early: € 795 // Ends Jan 6
- Regular: € 995 // Jan 7 – Feb 29
- Late & Onsite: € 1,250 // Mar 1 - 15

Black Hat Europe 2012 Announces Arsenal Schedule, Tool Line-up
Spring is coming, and the air is filled with the clitter-clatter of keyboards honing code and prototyping exploits. With Black Hat Europe less than a month away, today we're unveiling the official Black Hat Arsenal schedule and topic lists. Arsenal, for those new to Black Hat security events, is a special tool/demo area that allows independent researchers and the open source community to demonstrate and showcase their work.
Black Hat Europe 2012's Arsenal will feature live demonstrations of nine new tools and resources, ranging from CAPTCHA crackers to PDF exploit analyzers. You can find the full schedule on the Black Hat Europe website, or read on for highlights from each of the presenters:
- Gursev Singh Kalra will present TesserCap, a GUI-based, first-of-its-kind CAPTCHA analysis tool that busts through CAPTCHA checks with eight-stage image pre-processing and OCR.
- Tom Forbes is bringing xcat, which exploits an xpath injection vulnerability in web application frameworks and supports advanced exploitation features. The tool supports both Xpath 1.0 and 2.0 and can extract entire XML databases.
- Vulnerability researchers will dig Frank Breedijk's Seccubus, a tool which automates regular vulnerability scans. Unlike most such tools, Seccubus's reports focus on delta findings, which lend themselves to much more efficient result interpretation.
- Didier Stevens will be demoing his suite of PDF tools, which are used by popular Linux distros and virus-scanning sites to detect malicious PPF files. He'll also be happy to talk about his many other projects.
- Xavier Mertens will have pastemon on hand. pastemon monitors documents on the ubiquitous, and can generate events based on regular expressions -- sure beats refreshing all day.
- Back on the PDF front, Jose Miguel Esparza will demo peepdf, an all-in-one security research tool for PDF files. peepdf sounds like the Swiss army knife of PDF security apps.
- Andrey Labunets will show off Windbgshark, a network debugging tool that's tightly integrated with both Windbg debugger and Wireshark packet analyzer. It's also a framework for building custom fuzzers.
- Serkan Özkan is the guy behind, a security vulnerability database website. He'll show you some of its unique features, like links to human-readable OVAL definitions and customizable RSS feeds.
- Last but not least, Mike Jordon and James Forshaw will demonstrate CANAPE, which can proxy and manipulate Citrix ICA traffic. CANAPE's networking, parsing and fuzzing infrastructure can significantly reduce development effort.
Black Hat Europe 2012's Arsenal will take place throughout the day on March 16. Check the official schedule to find out times for specific tool / software demos.
Also, hurry and register to take advantage of Black Hat's 20% off Regular Registration Discount. It ends 2/29.

BLACK HAT ARSENAL: Do you have a great tool or demo that you have been dying to bring to the attention of the Black Hat community
This year Black Hat is pleased to offer a Tool/Demo area for independent researchers and the open source community that will allow you to showcase your work ...more info
EVENT AUDIO & VIDEO: The Source of Knowledge will be onsite to sell audio and video recordings of the Briefings sessions (Training Sessions will not be recorded). Their booth will be located in the Sponsor Exhibit Hall (WinterGarden). You can purchase the media onsite at a substantial discount.
Get Your Hands on the Black Hat EU 2012 Session DVD
SPONSORS: Black Hat would like to thank this year?s Europe 2012 participating sponsors. For more information about these companies we encourage you to visit their websites or check them out onsite at the Grand Krasnapolsky Hotel, Amsterdam, the Netherlands on March 14-15, 2012 ...more info

Adam Meyers: Cyber Network Defense Bootcamp ...more info
Moxie Marlinspike: Designing Secure Protocols ...more info
HotWAN: Mobile Hacking II ...more info

NH Grand Hotel Krasnapolsky
Dam Square 9
1012 JS Amsterdam
Tel. +31.20.5549111
Fax: +31.20.6228607