Black Hat DC 2011 // briefings schedule

Hyatt Regency Crystal City • January 18-19

day one /DC2011( JANUARY 18 )

0800 - 0850 + breakfast
0850 - 0900 + jeff moss: welcome & introduction to black hat DC 2011
0900 - 0950 +  keynote speaker: Franklin D. Kramer
TRACK //Track 1 - Offensive: Irregular Tactics //Track 2 - Offensive: Web Skirmishes //Track 3 - Defensive: Fortifications //Track 4 - Applied Knowledge Workshops
LOCATION Regency Ballroom E Regency Ballroom F Regency Ballroom C+D Lincoln
0950 - 1000 + break
1000 - 1115 Tom Parker:
Stuxnet Redux: Malware Attribution & Lessons Learned
Laurent Oudot:
Inglourious Hackerds: Targeting Web Clients
Marc Eisenbarth:
Active Exploitation Detection
Mariano Nunez di Croce, Jordan Santarsieri:
WORKSHOP - Cyber-attacks to SAP platforms: The Insider Threat
1115 - 1130 + coffee service
1130 - 1245 Jamie Schwettmann, Eric Michaud:
How to Steal Nuclear Warheads Without Voiding Your Xbox Warranty
Chris Gates:
Attacking Oracle Web Applications With Metasploit
Cassio Goldschmidt:
Responsibility for the Harm and Risk of Software Security Flaws
Mariano Nunez di Croce, Jordan Santarsieri:
WORKSHOP - Cyber-attacks to SAP platforms: The Insider Threat Continued
1245 - 1345 + lunch
1345 - 1500 Matthew Weeks:
Counterattack: Turning the tables on exploitation attempts from tools like Metasploit
Neil Daswani:
Malware Distribution via Widgetization of the Web
Ryan Barnett
XSS Street-Fight: The Only Rule Is There Are No Rules
Dino Dai Zovi, Vincenzo Iozzo:
WORKSHOP - The Mac Exploit Kitchen
1500 - 1515 + break
1515 - 1630 Adrian Crenshaw:
Identifying the true IP/Network identity of I2P service hosts
Mariano Nunez Di Croce:
Your crown jewels online: Attacks to SAP Web Applications
Sean Coyne, Ryan Kazanciyan:
The Getaway: Methods and Defenses for Data Exfiltration
Dino Dai Zovi, Vincenzo Iozzo:
WORKSHOP - The Mac Exploit Kitchen Continued
1630 - 1645 + coffee service
1645 - 1800 Val Smith, Alexander Polyakov:
Forgotten World: Corporate Business Application Systems
Tom Brennan, Ryan Barnett:
Checkmate with Denial of Service
Andrew Case:
De-Anonymizing Live CDs through Physical Memory Analysis
Dino Dai Zovi, Vincenzo Iozzo:
WORKSHOP - The Mac Exploit Kitchen Continued
1800 - 1930 + reception

   day two /DC2011( JANUARY 19 )

TRACK //Track 1 - Offensive: Airborne Operations //Track 2 - Offensive: Trench Warfare //Track 3 - Applied Knowledge Workshops //Track 4 - Applied Knowledge Workshops
LOCATION Regency Ballroom E Regency Ballroom F Regency Ballroom C+D Lincoln
0900 - 0950 Bryan Sullivan:
Hey You, Get Off Of My Cloud: Denial of Service in the *aaS Era
Jon Larimer:
Beyond AutoRun: Exploiting software vulnerabilities with removable storage
Michael Eddington:
WORKSHOP - Peach Fuzzing
0950 - 1000 + break
1000 - 1115 Ralf-Philipp Weinmann:
The Baseband Apocalypse
Vincenzo Iozzo, Giovanni Gola:
Stale pointers are the new black
Chris Hadnagy:
WORKSHOP - How to Hack Large Companies and Make Millions
Michael Eddington:
WORKSHOP - Peach Fuzzing Continued
1115 - 1130 + coffee service
1130 - 1245 David Perez, Jose Pico:
A practical attack against GPRS/EDGE/UMTS/HSPA mobile data communications
Dionysus Blazakis:
The Apple Sandbox
Chris Hadnagy:
WORKSHOP - How to Hack Large Companies and Make Millions Continued
Michael Eddington:
WORKSHOP - Peach Fuzzing Continued
1245 - 1345 + lunch
1345 - 1500 Thomas Roth
Breaking encryption in the cloud: GPU accelerated supercomputing for everyone
Itzhak Avraham:
Popping Shell on A(ndroid)RM Devices
Jeff Moss, Debora Plunkett
Fireside Chat with Jeff Moss, founder of Black Hat and DEFCON, and Debora Plunkett, Information Assurance Director, National Security Agency
Joe Grand:
WORKSHOP - Hardware Reverse Engineering: Access, Analyze, and Defeat
1500 - 1515 + break
1515 - 1630 Matthieu Suiche:
Your cloud in my pocket
Angelos Stavrou, Zhaohui Wang
Exploiting Smart-Phone USB Connectivity For Fun And Profit
Joe Grand:
WORKSHOP - Hardware Reverse Engineering: Access, Analyze, and Defeat Continued
1630 - 1645 + coffee service
1645 - 1800 Rob Havelt, Bruno Oliveira:
Hacking the Fast Lane: security issues with 802.11p, DSRC, and WAVE
Tarjei Mandt:
Kernel Pool Exploitation on Windows 7
Joe Grand:
WORKSHOP - Hardware Reverse Engineering: Access, Analyze, and Defeat Continued

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