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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Vijay Bolina

Vijay Bolina

Vijay Bolina is the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) at Google DeepMind where he is building an unique and specialized research and engineering team to address emerging risks in abuse, security and privacy for next generation artificial intelligence systems. He is also responsible for leading a portfolio of research across the organization that is focused on solving root-node problems in cybersecurity that will be on the critical path for safe and secure general purpose AI systems. 

Before Google DeepMind, Vijay held senior leadership roles in the public and private sector helping organizations defend against nation-state threat actors targeting critical infrastructure and intellectual property.

Vijay holds a BS and MS in computer science and executive education in corporate governance and risk management. He is an active advisor to builders and investors in the space of enterprise software and cybersecurity and its intersection with AI.

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