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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Maxine Holt

Maxine Holt


Maxine Holt leads the Omdia cybersecurity research group and is the lead architect of the Omdia Cybersecurity Ecosystem. Her team delivers a comprehensive cybersecurity research program to support vendors, service providers, and enterprise clients. Maxine also leads the Omdia Analyst Summit at the high-profile Black Hat event series.

Maxine has spent her entire career as an IT and security professional. She has been at Omdia since 2018, following a spell at the Information Security Forum (ISF), developing thought-leading security research for ISF members. Before ISF, Maxine spent 15 years in research at Ovum, starting her career as a software developer in the financial services industry and consulting for the financial services and internet sectors. Maxine is a regular event speaker and contributes articles to high-profile publications in cybersecurity.

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