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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Eva Chen

Eva Chen

Trend Micro

Eva Chen is the longest serving cybersecurity person in the world, she has been defending data from adversaries longer than Black Hat has existed as an event. Starting in 1988, Eva Chen spearheaded Trend Micro’s emergence as one of the world’s most innovative Internet content security companies.

Before becoming CEO, Eva served as executive vice president from 1988-1996 and CTO from 1996-2004. Under her direction, Trend Micro has produced a chronology of industry firsts, from unique products to security management approaches. As a result of her innovative leadership, she was appointed CEO in late 2004. Eva holds a master's degree in business administration as well as a master's degree in management information systems from the University of Texas. She earned a degree in philosophy from Chen Chi University in Taipei.

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