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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Mark Lambert

Mark Lambert


Mark Lambert is an experienced professional in Application Security Posture Management (ASPM). With nearly 20 years in the field, he has driven numerous enterprise organizations to adopt and scale effective security practices within their development teams. As the Chief Product Officer at ArmorCode, Mark focuses on bridging the gap between Development and Security to foster better collaboration. Mark has led product innovation and strategy throughout his career, aiming to improve security practices across various organizations. He is a regular speaker on ASPM, sharing his knowledge at industry events such as Dark Reading, RSAC, BlackHat, AppSecCon, DevOps Connect, DZone, SDTimes, DevOps Digest, JavaOne, AgileDevDays, QAFinancial, ISACA, and StarEast/West. Additionally, he hosts a regular podcast profiling security leaders and topics. Mark holds both a Bachelor's and a Master's degree in Computer Science from Manchester University, UK. His blend of academic background and industry experience supports his role as a knowledgeable voice in the AppSec community.

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