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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Kevin Jackson

Kevin Jackson

Level 6 Cybersecurity

Kevin E. Jackson is founder and CEO of Level 6 Cybersecurity, a startup company committed to making outcome-based cybersecurity a reality by creating an entirely new approach to cybersecurity strategy leveraging real-world data. He is also the founder of Waypoint Cybersecurity, a cybersecurity a virtual CISO consulting provider serving clients nationwide. Kevin's 30 years of technology experience include leadership roles in information security strategy, compliance management, enterprise architecture, IT infrastructure, business intelligence, and cybersecurity program management. Kevin is also an Adjunct Professor of cybersecurity and business intelligence who taught classes at the University of Cincinnati and Villanova University. A happily married father of five, Kevin spends his free time writing fantasy novels and playing music (drums and guitar).

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