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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Casey Cammilleri

Casey Cammilleri

Sprocket Security

Casey Cammilleri is the CEO and founder of Sprocket Security. He helps businesses outsmart cyber adversaries and prevent cybersecurity breaches. With a decade of exhilarating exploits under his belt, Casey emerged from the shadows of hacking to revolutionize the world of security. Over time, he has forged industry-defining security tools, implemented ingenious methodologies, and developed his wizardry into scalable software that is now the technology driving Sprocket Security. Dissatisfied with the status quo, Casey championed a radical transformation in the industry. He dares to challenge the norm, swapping the outdated annual 'penetration test' ritual for an unending cadence of dynamic, real-time security testing to ensure threats are constantly met with proactive defenses. Join Casey as he unfolds his journey in building Sprocket Security, with a possible peek into the hacker world!

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