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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Aaron Frost

Aaron Frost


Aaron Frost (aka Frosty) is the CEO of HeroDevs, a team of true open source software heroes that provide never-ending support for some of the world's greatest OSS. As the CEO, Frosty focuses on new product development, partnership development, legal operations, and all things sales related. He is also one of the founders of ng-conf, the world's first and largest Angular Conference and home to the Angular community. As part of Frosty's involvement with ng-conf, he also co-founded The Angular Show, an all-Angular podcast. Prior to running HeroDevs, Frosty had a long career as an enterprise software architect, helping tackle titanic problems for titans like: CapitalOne, Google, Orvis, Domo, and 1800-Contacts. Frosty has also had the chance to invest in two tech startups: Nx and Freeplay. And in his spare time, Frosty works with his identical twin brother at their real estate company: TwoJar Labs. TwoJar is a callout to the fact that both brothers have the same middle name: Jarvis. Of all of the names and titles that Frosty is known by, only five people call him by his favorite name: Dad.

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