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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Zhiyun Qian

Zhiyun Qian

University of California Riverside

Prof. Zhiyun Qian is the Everett and Imogene Ross Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, UC Riverside. He has a broad interest in system/network security, with the general theme of vulnerability discovery and analysis, system building, and measurement. He has published over 100 papers on cybersecurity (most are in top-tier venues, including a distinguished paper award in ACM CCS). His work has led to real-world impact with several dozens of CVEs and bug bounties. Much of his work has been featured in prior Black Hat Events, CanSecWest, Linux Kernel Security Summit, and Qualcomm Security Summit. He is also a Pwn2Own and GeekPwn winner.

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