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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Vishnu Prasad

Vishnu Prasad


Vishnu Prasad is a DevSecOps Lead at we45. A DevSecOps and Security Automation wizard, he has implemented security in DevOps for numerous Fortune 500 companies. Vishnu has experience in Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery across various verticals, using tools like Jenkins, Selenium, Docker, and other DevOps tools. His role sees him automating SAST, DAST, and SCA security tools at every phase of the build pipeline. He commands knowledge of every major security tool out there, including ZAP, Burp, Findsecbugs, and npm audit, among many others. He's a tireless innovator, having Dockerized his entire security automation process for cross-platform support to build pipelines seamlessly. His experience extends even beyond DevSecOps: he designs and develops Web Application Security tools, performs vulnerability management and orchestration, and consults on security assessments for major companies. He's proficient in languages like Python, Java, Javascript, Angular, and more. He regularly trains major companies and team members on application security automation, DevSecOps, and AppSec Essentials as well.

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