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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Trevor Stevado

Trevor Stevado

Loudmouth Security

Trevor Stevado is a renowned security consultant and the founder of Loudmouth Security. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Trevor has developed a deep understanding of cyber security and is recognized as an expert in his field. In 2018, Trevor won a Black Badge in the IoT CTF at DEF CON 26, and since then, he has been a regular contributor to IoT Village. In fact, he's now one of the founders of the new Embedded Systems Village, where he continues to push the boundaries of security research. In addition to his technical expertise, Trevor is an exceptional teacher with a proven track record of success. He's adept at explaining complicated technical findings to executive management teams, and he's spent years mentoring younger hackers coming into the field. Trevor's ability to teach stems from his passion for the subject matter and his dedication to continuous learning. He's always seeking out new information and insights, which he incorporates into his courses to provide the most up-to-date and relevant training possible.

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