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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Trevor Hough

Trevor Hough

Loudmouth Security

Trevor Hough is a partner and passionate security researcher at Loudmouth Security. With extensive experience participating in large-scale cyber training operations involving embedded systems, Trevor has become a recognized expert in his field. He has an insatiable curiosity and has performed research on some of the weirdest and coolest embedded systems around, discovering and disclosing bugs in the process. Trevor has a deep technical knowledge and passion for security that's evident in his work. He won a Black Badge in the IoT CTF at DEF CON 26 and has been a regular contributor to DEF CON ever since. Trevor is part of the team that's bringing the new Embedded Systems Village to DEF CON 31, where he's excited to push the envelope of bigger, cooler, and more exotic systems that attendees can interact with. He is a highly skilled trainer who's always eager to share his knowledge and experience with others.

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