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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Dhruv Shah

Dhruv Shah

Dhruv Shah is an information security professional with over 12+ years of expertise in application, mobile, network, and cloud security. He has co-authored the books “Kali Linux Intrusion and Exploitation” and “Hands-on Pentesting with BurpSuite” by Packtpub. Dhruv has delivered advanced web hacking and Hacking and securing cloud Infrastructure classes and trained at major cybersecurity conferences such as Black Hat USA, Europe, and Asia, as well as other notable events like Hack in Paris, BSides Lisbon, Texas Cyber Summit etc. He has provided security training to clients across the UK, EU, and USA. He is a core member of Recon Village at Defcon. His online presence is under the handle @snypter.

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