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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Chuhan Wang

Chuhan Wang

Tsinghua University

Hello, I am Chuhan Wang, a 5th year Ph.D. student at the Network and Information Security Lab (NISL) of Tsinghua University, advised by Prof. Haixin Duan and Assistant Prof. Jianjun Chen. Now, I am a visiting scholar at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, working with Prof. Gang Wang. My research interests include Web Security, Network Security, and Internet Measurement. Currently, I focus on email-related security research. I have published 6 papers at all top-tier academic conferences on network security, including Oakland S&P, USENIX Security, CCS, NDSS. My research results have helped Google, Apple, Yandex, Tencent, Shopee and other well-known Internet companies to fix vulnerabilities. As a member of Redbud, a CTF team belonging to Tsinghua University, I have won the ByteCTF 2020 championship and other CTF awards. Website:

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