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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Xiaokui Shu

Xiaokui Shu

IBM Research

Dr. Xiaokui Shu is a Senior Research Scientist at IBM Research and the Chair of Technical Steering Committee at Open Cybersecurity Alliance. He is inventing the future of cyber defense as interviewed with ACM (The Pursuit of Speed in Cybersecurity). Dr. Shu leads the cyber reasoning initiative at IBM Research, designing, prototyping, and delivering AI-enabled cyber defense solutions to IBM and the community. He is the co-founder of project Kestrel, building composable and reusable cyber threat hunts for unleashed productivity and fun. Dr. Shu is an active speaker at major security conferences such as RSA, BlackHat, and SANS. He serves on program committee and technical steering committee of conferences and organizations such as ACSAC and OCA, and he is the Technical Editor for the book Cyber Threat Hunting.

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