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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Soumyanil Biswas

Soumyanil Biswas


Soumyanil Biswas is currently into Security Research. Though he has an electronics background, he is immensely interested in information security.
Former Black Hat Asia 2024 Presenter. Former Speaker at BSides Singapore 2023. Upcoming Vulncon (India) Malware Development Workshop Trainer.
I also got an invitation as a speaker from BSides St. Pete (Florida) 2023, BSides Prishtina (Kosovo) 2023/2024, BSides Boise (Idaho) 2024, Hackmiami Conference XI 2024, and ConfidenceConf 2024, Krakow, Poland.
He is learning new things every day. He is more passionate about offensive security than defensive security.
He has played CTFs and solved 100+ rooms in TryHackMe till now. He has CRTP.
Nowadays, he spends most of his time building scripts and open-source malware dev evasion-based projects, digging deep into Windows system internals, and building scripts on On-prem and Cloud-based (like AWS) Attack Vectors.

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