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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Sam Moses

Sam Moses


Samuel Moses, CISSP OSCP, has over 10 years of experience in cyber security. He received his Master of Technology degree in August 2017 with an emphasis in cyber security from Brigham Young University (BYU) Provo. His previous experience comes from working at BYU and developing their security team into the current CES Security Operation Center which provides cyber security to BYU Provo, BYU Hawaii, and BYU Idaho where Moses had to work with various organizations with different security teams, tools, and backgrounds. Before the BYU Security Team, Moses worked in the Cyber Security Research Lab at BYU as the lab manager, performing research, and leading the student red team. Now working with Rapid7, Moses works with clients from numerous organization types to test their network and systems for exploitable security vulnerabilities and provide meaningful value to his clients. Moses completes a variety of penetration testing engagements, including external and internal network, web application, API, wireless, social engineering (phishing, vishing, and in-person), and physical.

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