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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Christopher Doman

Christopher Doman

Cado Security

Chris Doman is a co-founder of Cado Security. He joined the industry after winning a cyber-security competition run by the US DoD. Chris is known for building the popular threat intelligence portal ThreatCrowd, which subsequently merged into the AlienVault Open Threat Exchange. Whilst working at PwC and ATT AlienVault in research and development, Chris published a number of widely read articles and papers on targeted cyber attacks. His research on topics such as the North Korean government's crypto-currency theft schemes, and China's attacks against dissident websites, have been widely discussed in the media. He has given interviews to print, radio, and TV such as CNN and BBC News. Chris has previously spoken at conferences including various B-Sides events and Infosec Europe.

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