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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Christian Becker

Christian Becker


Christian has been working in offensive security for over 10 years with a focus on customized attack scenarios. These include elements of classic penetration tests as well as innovative approaches to Attack Simulation. In his projects, Christian has examined and attacked complex structures and environments. Attack simulation projects (TIBER, Red Team) require the attacker to quickly familiarize themselves with complex structures and processes to carry out targeted attacks against a network. The environments tested were, for example, banking (SEPA/SWIFT), operational technology (KRITIS), integration environments (DevOps) and SAP environments. In addition to planning and executing attacks for international organizations, he also shared his knowledge at international conferences. Participants in the workshops and talks came from a wide variety of areas, such as DevOps engineers, penetration testers and management.

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