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August 3-8, 2024
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas


Francisco Laplace

Francisco Laplace


Francisco is a forward-thinking software engineer with extensive experience in data engineering and data science. He specializes in transforming complex data into actionable insights, with proven expertise in developing large-scale data-driven applications, machine learning for business analytics, and robust data pipelines and database systems. His passion extends to designing and developing secure software solutions that address real-world business challenges and enhance operational efficiency.

An advocate for effective communication and inclusivity in the workplace, Francisco is committed to forging strong connections and encouraging the next generation of tech professionals. With an academic background in information and cybersecurity from UC Berkeley and Florida International University, he actively creates opportunities for those looking to break into the field, particularly focusing on elevating underrepresented minorities within the cybersecurity domain, with a special emphasis on the Latinx community.

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