Register Now
August 6-11, 2022
Mandalay Bay / Las Vegas
+ Virtual

Virtual Platform Resources

Welcome to Black Hat USA 2022. This year's event will offer a virtual component. We have provided information and resources below to make your experience at Black Hat a successful one. Please contact Black Hat Registration with any questions or for more information.

Trainings Platforms (August 6 - August 9)

All Black Hat USA Trainings listed as Virtual will be taught live online via Zoom. Sessions will not be recorded. All courses are presented in Pacific Time (GMT/UTC -7h).

Please email if you have any additional questions.

Main Conference Platform (August 10 & 11)

Black Hat USA Main Conference including Briefings, Arsenal, the Business Hall, and more, will take place on the Swapcard Virtual Event Platform. When the platform goes live, you will receive an email with a link directing to a login page where you can create a password for accessing the virtual event.

Please note that your event login information will come in an email from
Sender: "Black Hat USA <>"

You should add to your allowed email list to ensure receipt of your login details.

Please email if you have any additional questions.


You can access the Swapcard platform directly at

There you can log in by entering the email you used to register for Black Hat USA and creating a password. If you've forgotten your password, click on "Send me a magic link" to receive an email to reset your password.

Setting Your Profile Visibility

Your profile will be automatically created in Swapcard using the information you supplied when you registered for the event.

You have the option to connect with other attendees and sponsors, just as you would at a live event.

Once you've logged into the platform, click on the "Attendee" tab. On the left side of the page, look for the "Visibility" setting to turn your Profile visibility on or off. You may change this setting at any time.

Screenshot showing 'visibility to others' toggle in SwapCard.

Video Tutorials


Learn how to access sessions and content


Learn how to network with other attendees


Learn how to find virtual exhibit booths

Stay Connected

In addition to all of the chat and networking opportunities within GoToTrainings and Swapcard, you can stay up-to-date and join the conversations on social media by following and tweeting @BlackHatEvents, using the hashtags #BHUSA and #BHTrainings.