Join the Kali Linux team for this special opportunity to strengthen your Kali skills and knowledge in a hands-on environment. Four areas will run all day Thursday where attendees can build and customize their own version of Kali, get expert advice regarding client data protection, catch up with the new Kali community efforts, and learn about the new "Kali Revealed" book and KLCP certification. Seating will be based on a first come, first-served, drop-in basis and is open to all pass types.
Learn how to master Kali Linux ISO Recipes and easily build custom Kali images such as the "ISO of Doom" or "Instant Evil Kali Access Point." Then, learn how to make a sleek Kali Bootable USB stick, which contains several persistent storage profiles, both regular and encrypted. Protect your encrypted data using the Kali LUKS Nuke feature - destroy and restore your data with confidence.
Attorneys will be available to deep-dive into issues and questions surrounding the legal landscape for cybersecurity professionals charged with protecting their clients' data. Karen Neuman and Jacob Osborn from Goodwin will be available following their Wednesday Black Hat Briefing to cover different areas of safeguarding sensitive client data.
Join the Kali Linux Community Manager, Johnny Long, for an informal gathering to discuss how we are building our community, our roadmap, cool projects and more - while offering some swag and possible prizes throughout the day.
The Kali team will be launching their new "kali Revealed" book and KLCP certification onsite at Black Hat! The authors will be available to sign books and answer attendee questions.