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Pat	McCoy

Pat McCoy


As a Principal Security Consultant with Foundstone Professional Security Services, Pat’s responsibilities include execution of Social Engineering; Internal Penetration Testing; External Penetration Testing; and Wireless Penetration Testing; as well as project management and leadership for some of Foundstone’s largest clients. Pat co-developed Ultimate Hacking: Human, Foundstone’s training curriculum for social engineering, and regularly contributes to many other Foundstone education service offerings such as Ultimate Hacking, Ultimate Hacking: Expert, Ultimate Hacking: Wireless, and Ultimate Hacking: Windows. Pat has also spoken at multiple industry security conferences on topics such as “Post exploitation for social engineering engagements” and “attacking IVR’s.

Pat’s lifelong infatuation with computers started with the venerable TI-99/4A and has progressed steadily from there. Pat started his career in systems and network administration, quickly transitioning into more information security specific roles and currently has been working in IT industry for more than 13 years. When not breaking technology or convincing people to let him into buildings, Pat has been spotted enjoying hoppy micro-brews, creating music, spending quality time with his dogs, and floating around in the Atlantic ocean.

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