Mastering the Hunt: Five Ways XDR Enhances Threat Hunting Strategies


By Javier Inclan, Product Marketing Manager, Cisco

As cyber threats continue to evolve and become more sophisticated, organizations must constantly improve their security posture to stay ahead of potential attacks. One effective way to do this is through threat hunting which can be a time-consuming and resource-intensive process. This is where extended detection and response (XDR) comes in.

When combined with threat hunting, XDR can significantly enhance an organization’s security posture. With that principle in mind, Cisco Security Cloud platform has a new member: a comprehensive extended detection and response solution that integrates multiple security technologies and data sources as a part of a single platform providing a comprehensive view of an organization’s security posture.

Cisco XDR provides a unique end-to-end view and enables SOC teams to detect and respond to threats, reducing the time it takes to identify and mitigate potential attacks quickly and efficiently.

Here are five ways Cisco XDR can improve the threat hunting process:

  1. Centralized Data Collection and Analysis
    One of the biggest challenges in threat hunting is collecting and analyzing data from multiple sources to surface threats. With a collaborative approach leveraging telemetry from Cisco User and Cloud Infrastructure Security suites such as Secure Endpoint, Email Threat Defense, Network Security Analytics and Firewall makes it easier to identify patterns and anomalies that could quickly expose a complex and multidimensional threat.

  2. Automated Threat Detection
    With the increasing frequency and complexity of emerging attacks, manual threat detection is no longer sufficient. Cisco XDR allows faster detection and response times, reducing the risk of data breaches and other cyber incidents using advanced machine learning algorithms and behavioral analytics to automatically detect and surface potential threats.

  3. Faster Incident Response
    The longer it takes to respond to an incident, the more time the attacker has to cause damage or steal data. Cisco XDR provides real-time visibility into security events, allowing security teams to quickly identify and respond to potential threats.

  4. Improved Threat Intelligence
    Staying ahead of threats is the ultimate goal of any SOC team. Threat intelligence helps SOC analysts to identify emerging threats, understand the tactics and techniques used by attackers, and prioritize security efforts. However, providing context and insight into potential and existing threats may impose more work on security teams.

    Cisco XDR integrates threat intelligence from Cisco Talos and additional sources, providing security teams with up-to-date information on the latest threats and attack techniques. Cisco Talos provides native telemetry from processing more than 400B security events daily coupled with 500 dedicated threat researchers – humans with deep understanding of machine telemetry.

  5. Enhanced Collaboration
    When no collaborative workflow exists in a SOC, it can lead to inefficiencies, communication breakdowns, and ultimately, a decrease in the overall security posture of the organization.

    Cisco XDR provides a centralized platform for collaboration between security teams, allowing them to share information and work together to identify and mitigate potential threats. A collaborative workflow improves communication and coordination, reducing the risk of miscommunication or duplication of efforts.

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