
Building Security from Within: Empowering Software Teams for Cyber Resilience

Thursday, July 18, 2024

2:00 - 3:00 PM EST

60 minutes, including Q&A

Software continues to run the modern enterprise, and while it has the potential to drive innovation it can also introduce vulnerability. Rapid release cycles often prioritize features over security and hackers are adapting their tactics to target distributed software applications that are increasingly accessible.

Security teams can’t single-handedly address this dynamic threatscape, so organizations must rethink how to strengthen security resiliency. Software teams are on the front lines in preventing vulnerabilities, but to build resilient applications they need to be equipped with security awareness and intimate knowledge of architecture, integration points, and deployment environments.

Topics covered include:

  • Root causes of prominent software-borne breaches
  • Taking inventory of teams (and going beyond developers)
  • Building essential awareness - security principles, attack vectors, and threats
  • Being early to the (3rd) party – mitigating API, open-source, and cloud risk

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Security Innovation


Ed Adams


Security Innovation

Mr. Adams is a software quality and security expert with 20+ years of industry experience. He has been CEO of Security Innovation since 2003. A Ponemon Institute Research Fellow, Adams was named a Privacy by Design Ambassador by the Information & Privacy Commissioner of Canada and has received multiple SC Magazine Reboot Leadership Awards.

Prior to Security Innovation, Adams held senior management positions at Rational Software, Lionbridge, Ipswitch, and MathSoft and was an engineer for the US Army and Foster-Miller early in his career. Adams has presented at hundreds of industry events and conferences, and is the host of EdTALKS, a monthly panel that debates risk-based approaches to securing software, and recently authored See Yourself in Cyber – Security Careers Beyond Hacking. telecom, networking, IoT and cybersecurity.

Terry Sweeney


Contributing Editor, Black Hat

Terry Sweeney is a Los Angeles-based writer and editor who's covered business technology for three decades. He's written about cyber security for more than 15 years and was one of the founding editors of Dark Reading. Sweeney has covered enterprise networking extensively, as well as its supporting technologies like storage, wireless, cloud-based apps and the emerging Internet of Things. He's been a contributing editor to The Washington Post, Crain’s New York Business, Red Herring, Information Week, Network World, SearchAWS.com, and Stadium Tech Report.

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