Black Hat, the world's leading family of information security events, today announced that Robert Lentz, Chief Security Officer of the Department of Defense, will keynote this year's event happening July 25-30, 2009 at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada...
PR Newswire
TechWeb Press Release / 10 July 2009
"This is not something you can change overnight, but it had to start somewhere," said Jeff Moss, founder of the Black Hat and DEFCON conferences...
SC Magazine US
Angela Moscaritolo / 6 July 2009
Apple is expected to have a fix for the SMS issue released sometime this month before Miller and Iozzo present at the Black Hat Conference, which kicks off...
Ars Technica
Chris Foresman / 3 July 2009
... an agreement with Apple, which is working to fix the vulnerability in advance of Black Hat, where Miller plans to discuss the attack in greater detail...
3 July 2009
Two noted security professionals were targeted this week by hackers who broke into their web pages, stole personal data and posted it online on the eve of the Black Hat security conference...
Wired / Kim Zetter : 29 July 2009
That small cipher will likely be your only warning that someone has taken advantage of a bug that Miller and his fellow cybersecurity researcher Collin Mulliner plan to publicize Thursday at the Black Hat cybersecurity conference in Las Vegas...
Forbes / Andy Greenberg : 28 July 2009
Security researchers have found a way to intercept data during online interactions with SSL-protected Web sites and plan to present their findings at the Black Hat security conference...
Information Week / Thomas Claburn : 21 July 2009
The attack, called "SSL Rebinding," relies on a common web browser flaw that can be exploited to compromise data, even when the higher-assurance certificates are being used. The research is scheduled to be presented July 30 at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas...
SC Magazine US / Angela Moscaritolo : 21 July 2009
Security researchers have their eyes on the electric grid at the upcoming Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas. In separate talks, researchers will highlight some of the threats and concerns facing plans to deploy smart grid technology - and what can be done about them...
HP security researchers are presenting a browser-based darknet at Black Hat. The darknet permits secure communication and file sharing, and could be accessed by any device with a browser - from a PC to an iPhone...
The Conficker worm [...] is one of three nominees for most over-hyped bug for the annual Pwnie Awards. The informal award ceremony, which takes place each year at the Black Hat briefings in Las Vegas, recognizes security industry failures and over-hyped bugs as well as achievements in the hacker community...
TechTarget / Robert Westervelt : 22 July 2009
Two HP Insecurity experts are planning to tell the Black Hat USA 2009 security conference next week about their plans to build a browser-based darknet...
The Inquirer / Author Name : 22 July 2009
According to a summary of their presentation, Chris Gates and Mario Ceballos will present Oracle Pentesting Methodology and give out "all the tools to break the 'unbreakable' Oracle as Metasploit auxiliary modules..."
CNET News / Elinor Mills : 23 July 2009
A preview piece on Black Hat, highlighting speakers like Jeremiah Grossman, founder and CTO of WhiteHat Security, who plans to reveal how hackers are making massive sums on the Internet...
Information Week / Thomas Claburn : 23 July 2009
According to the results of a new survey that will go public next week at Defcon in Las Vegas, half of security pros aren't satisfied with their current jobs, and 57 percent say their jobs are neither challenging nor fully tapping their skills...
Dark Reading / Kelly Jackson Higgins : 23 July 2009
Certain attacks that leave no trace on computer hard drives may be discoverable using a new tool that will be demonstrated at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas next week. Researchers who work for Mandiant will present a means for piecing together...
Network World / Tim Greene : 23 July 2009
Security BSides will coincide with the popular Black Hat and Defcon conferences, and take place at a location off of the strip. It is a free, two-day event made up of 65 attendees (so far), 15 presenters, and six organizers...
ZD Net / Jennifer Leggio : 22 July 2009
WhiteHat Security researchers to highlight more and bigger-dollar hacks that don't use malware or security bugs...
Dark Reading / Kelly Jackson Higgins : 21 July 2009
He has agreed with Apple to keep the details under wraps until the Black Hat security conference in Las Vegas on 25-30 July... / Warwick Ashford : 3 July 2009
Could the frenzy of activity be in preparation for Microsoft's appearance at the annual Black Hat security conference, to be held in Las Vegas July 25-30...
CIO UK / Julie Bort : 3 July 2009
Miller is planning to detail the hole more at the Black Hat USA security expo in Las Vegas later this year, which gives Apple a short window of time...
Computerworld / Mark Hachman : 3 July 2009
He has plans to further discuss the bug at the upcoming Black Hat USA 2009 hacker conference, according to an Intego security blog...
ChannelWeb : 2 July 2009
Researchers will release an open source tool at Black Hat USA that helps forensics investigators reconstruct attacks...
Dark Reading / Kelly Jackson Higgins : 2 July 2009
Miller is expected to provide more specifics on the bug later this month at the Black Hat conference in Las Vegas...
SC Magazine US / Dan Kaplan : 2 July 2009
Charlie's planning to detail the vulnerability in full at the upcoming Black Hat conference, but Apple's hoping to have it all patched up...
engadget / Darren Murph : 2 July 2009
Responding to pressure from an ATM vendor, Juniper has agreed to pull a talk originally scheduled for both the Black Hat and DefCon security conferences...
eWeek : 1 July 2009
Miller discusses the attack in greater detail during a planned presentation at the Black Hat USA conference in Las Vegas...
PC World / Sumner Lemon : July 2009
It's almost security conference season in Las Vegas and with one month to go, a presentation has been pulled from Black Hat and DefCon...
CNET News / Elinor Mills : 1 July 2009
Black Hat is like no other security conference. It happens in Las Vegas, July 25-30. Find out more and register...
InformationWeek / David Gardner : 1 July 2009
The Black Hat security conference is one that has a certain mystique surrounding it... / Sean Michael Kerner : 30 June 2009
Staff Security Researcher Barnaby Jack had been set to deliver a July 30 talk entitled "Jackpotting Automated Teller Machines" at the Black Hat...
PC World / Robert McMillan : 30 June 2009
An ATM vendor has succeeded in getting a security talk pulled from the upcoming Black Hat conference...
Wired News / Kim Zetter : 30 June 2009
Black Hat USA 2009
Caesars Palace
Las Vegas, NV
Training July 25-28
Briefings July 29-30
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