What to bring:
Just Yourself.
All necessary equipment will be provided, including pre-configured laptops, tools and utitlites.
Upon completion of this intense two-day course, Forensic Examiners, Private Investigators, Federal, State and Local Law Enforcement Investigators, prosecutors and corporate IT Security personnel will have a complete understanding of the threat posed by the use of steganographic technologies in the current digital environment. Threats posed by criminals exploiting children, terrorists and crime organizations creating covert communication channels, and disgruntled company insiders are some of the topics that will be covered. Students will also learn how to conduct a complete steganography investigation from suspicion to detection, analysis, cracking, and finally to recovery of the hidden information.
The tools currently used for steganography embedding are discussed and demonstrated. Students will use these tools, and learn how to detect their presence on suspect systems during post-mortem analysis. This allows a refined investigation by determining the embedding application used. Participants will also be trained in the use of specialized steganography detection and analysis tools in order to confirm steganography presence both during post-mortem system analysis, and in an online investigation. Breaking steganography codes will also be demonstrated, discussed and practiced.
The course includes 6 hours of lecture, 6 hours of practical lab exercises and investigation, and a 2 hour written and practical exam. Students are provided their own laptop with all tools and laboratory exercises installed for the lecture and hands-on portions of the labs. In addition, all students will receive complimentary fully licensed copies of WetStone’s Stego Suite and Gargoyle Standard Edition software products, (including 1 year of software maintenance & updates), the steganography embedding tools used during the class, and a reference CD containing the training materials and lab exercises. All participants are eligible to receive 1.6 CEU credits and a course completion certificate. Those sitting for, and passing WetStone’s written and practical exam, receive a ‘Certified Steganography Examiner’ certificate.
WetStone Technologies, Inc. has executed multiple government funded research and development projects in the area of steganography research and detection over the last 5 years, giving us unique and first-hand insight into the utilization and detection of steganography technologies. We have trained over 1,000 students, representing digital investigators from commercial institutions, universities, the US government, and federal, state and local law enforcement agencies throughout the county. We also conduct trainings at security conferences throughout the year.
Students will get a copy of the Gargoyle Investigator Standard software as well as the Stego Suite package upon completion of the course.

Chet Hosmer is a co-founder and the President and CEO of WetStone Technologies, Inc. He has over 25 years of experience in developing high technology software and hardware products. During the last 15 years, he has focused on the research and development of information security technologies with specialty areas including cyber forensics, secure time, and intrusion detection and response.
Chet is a co-chair of the National Institute of Justice’s Electronic Crime and Terrorism Partnership Initiative’s Technology Working Group, and was one of five international steganography experts interviewed by ABC News after the 9/11 al-Qaeda attacks. Chet is a member of the IEEE and the ACM, and holds a B.S. Degree in Computer Science from Syracuse University. Chet is also the Director of the Computer Forensics Research and Development Center of Utica College.