Hacking by Numbers:
BlackOps Edition
SensePost july 21-22 july 23-24

Ends February 1
Ends June 1
Ends July 20
July 21-24
Hacking By Numbers "BlackOps Edition" is your final course in the HBN series before being deployed into "Combat". Here, you'll sharpen your skills in real scenarios before being shipped off to battle. Where Bootcamp focuses on methodology and Combat focuses on thinking, BlackOps covers tools and techniques to brush up your skills on data exfiltration, privilege escalation, pivoting, client-side attacks and even a little exploit writing. You'll also focus on practical elements of attacking commonly found systems. The course is instructor-lead, with slides and structured labs that guide students through numerous scenarios. This is hands-on hacking made fun. Topics include: Topics include:
- The difference between exploiting and owning a system
- Tunneling, pivoting and data exfiltration
- Client side attacks
- Owning the client using XSS
- Extranet hacking
- Privilege escalation
- Basic custom exploit writing
BlackOps naturally follows directly from Bootcamp Edition, and prepares students for Combat Edition - our ultimate hands-on course. It should not be your first hacking course, but can be taken back-to-back with Bootcamp or with Combat, depending on your existing level of experience. Although prior participation in an HBN course is not a prerequisite, significant exposure to hacking training, tools and techniques is highly recommended.
Who should attend
Information security officers, system and network administrators, security consultants, government agencies and other nice people with some basic technical experience will all benefit from the valuable insights provided by this class. Professional penetration testers just entering the field will also appreciate the structured, practical approach.
What to bring
Just Yourself. All necessary equipment will be provided, including pre-configured laptops, tools and utilities.
To Take Home
Students will be provided a purpose built removable wifi card and bootable tools CD to take home with them after the course...
Course Trainers
SensePost is an independent and objective organisation specialising in information security consulting, training, security assessment services and IT Vulnerability Management.
SensePost is about security. Specifically – information security. Even more specifically – measuring information security.
We've made it our mission to develop a set of competencies and services that deliver our customers with insight into the security posture of their information and information system
Glenn Wilkinson is SensePost's resident Zimbabwean, functioning mostly as a lead security analyst. He is active in the SensePost research labs, having had his work presented at BlackHat Vegas, UnCon, and ITWeb ZA. As a Rhodes scholar he holds two Masters degrees from the University of Oxford.
Daniel Cuthbert is the Assessment Manager for SensePost and has been involved in the offensive area since the mid 90's. He has presented all over the planet, is the original author of the OWASP Testing guide and holds two masters degrees.