
Javier Galbally
Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
Javier Galbally received the MSc in electrical engineering in 2005 from the Universidad de Cantabria, and the PhD degree in electrical engineering in 2009, from Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, Spain. Since 2006 he is with Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, where he is currently working as an assistant researcher. He has carried out different research internships in worldwide leading groups in biometric recognition such as BioLab from Universita di Bologna Italy, IDIAP Research Institute in Switzerland, or the Scribens Laboratory at the ĂŚcole Polytechnique de Montreal in Canada. His research interests are mainly focused on the security evaluation of biometric systems, but also include pattern and biometric recogniton, and synthetic generation of biometric traits. He is actively involved in European projects focused on vulnerability assessment of biometrics (e.g, STREP Tabula Rasa) and is the recipient of a number of distinctions, including:IBM Best Student Paper Award at ICPR 2008, and finalist of the EBF European Biometric Research Award.
Sessions with this speaker
- BRIEFING | Date: July 25 | From the Iriscode to the Iris: A New Vulnerability of Iris Recognition Systems