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Black Hat Asia 2002 Briefings "Stump the Experts"
Marina Mandarin Hotel, Singapore

New for Black Hat Asia 2002: Delegates can participate in the "Stump the Experts" and have a chance to win prizes. Quiz the speakers with questions! Panels will be held during the lunches and reception. Check the schedule to see which speakers will be particpating.

Stump the Experts is a session where delegates have a chance to quiz speakers on their field of expertise. Rules are as follows:

  • Questions must be covered in the speakers' selected field of study.
  • If the speaker cannot answer the question, then the delegate wins a prize
  • If the moderator determines that the question is super tough even though the speaker still answered the question, then the delegate may still receive a prize.
  • Jeff Moss, founder of Black Hat, will be the moderator for each session.
  • There will be a total of three "Stump the Experts" sessions: Lunch on 03 October, reception on 03 October, lunch on 04 October.
  • Only registered delegates are able to participate and win prizes

See the Black Hat Asia 2002 Briefings Schedule to see which speakers are participating and when.

Currently selected Black Hat USA 2002 Briefings speakers. Come here to see speaker biographies and to read up on the talks they will be giving.

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