Being in love with everything around computers, Davide Cioccia joined the cyber security scene few years back in 2009 when Stuxnet hit the nuclear plants of Iran. He developed a framework to understand how "diversity" in the assets in the plants, could stop the malware to reach its targets. Today he is currently holding the position of Security Engineer at ING Bank in the Netherlands, where he mostly focus on mobile security and automation. He is contributing in the OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide introducing a way to automate the OWASP MASVS, through BDD tests. His interests vary from Mobile Security to Botnet and Phishing analysis, but also IoT and SCADA. being co-founder of the project, that wants to improve the security posture of IoT devices providing testing for free. In his previous jobs he also got his hands dirty with automotive security, especially IVI systems, malware analysis and incident response.