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May 4-7, 2021
Virtual Event


Bramwell Brizendine

Bramwell Brizendine

Dakota Stata University

Dr. Bramwell Brizendine completed his PhD in Cyber Operations recently, where he did his dissertation on Jump-Oriented Programming, a hitherto, seldom-studied and poorly understood subset of code-reused attacks. Bramwell developed a fully-featured tool that helps facilitate JOP exploit development, the JOP ROCKET. Bramwell is the Director of the Vulnerability and Exploitation Research for Offensive and Novel Attacks (VERONA Lab), specializing in vulnerability research, software exploitation, software security assessments, and the development of new, cutting-edge tools and techniques with respect to software exploitation. Bramwell also teaches undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral level courses in software exploitation, reverse engineering, malware analysis, and offensive security at Dakota State University.

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