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May 4-7, 2021
Virtual Event


Alejandro Hernández

Alejandro Hernández


Alejandro Hernandez is a security consultant who works for IOActive, where he has had the chance to work in Fortune 500 companies around the world. As a research enthusiast, he had the chance to present in Black Hat Arsenal: in 2011, DotDotPwn (directory traversal fuzzer), and in 2014, Melkor (ELF file format fuzzer). He has also been a speaker in other conferences such as DEF CON (Village), AppSec USA, BruCON (Belgium) and CODE BLUE (Japan). Involved in stock trading since 2013, he has been bridging cybersecurity with money markets for the last couple of years. In 2018, he presented vulnerabilities in trading technologies at Black Hat USA 2018.

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