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Sep 29 - Oct 2, 2020
Virtual Event


Seungjoo Kim

Seungjoo Kim

Korea University

Seungjoo (Gabriel) Kim is a professor of Graduate School of Information Security in Korea University from 2011 and his research areas focus on SDL, security engineering, cryptography and blockchain.

For the past seven years, he was an associate professor of Sungkyunkwan University and has five years of back ground of team leader of Cryptographic Technology Team and also IT Security Evaluation Team of KISA(Korea Internet & Security Agency).

In addition to being a professor, he is positioning a head of SANE(Security Analysis aNd Evaluation) Lab, an adviser of hacking club 'CyKor', a founder/advisory director of an international security & hacking conference 'SECUINSIDE'. His numerous professional focus on a presidential committee member on the 4th industrial revolution and an advisory committee member of several public and private organizations such as NIS(National Intelligence Service), Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Justice, Supreme Prosecutors' Office, Korea National Police Agency, Nuclear Safety and Security Commission, etc. He also taught at the Korea Military Academy.

Twitter: @skim71 / Homepage:

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