
Ade yoseman Putra

Ade yoseman Putra

OWASP Jakarta Chapter

Ade Yoseman Putra is a researcher & also a Co-Founder of Security Just Illusion(non-profit organization information security). He has more than 5 years' experience in information security, with experience in cert (computer emergency response team). Besides that, he has experience as security consultant in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia (2014). Ade was a finalist/3rd Team Winner for Cyberlympics Asia-Australia (2012) www.cyberlympics.org. He was an Information Security Trainer in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Indonesia, and he has spoken at Black Hat Asia 2017 Arsenal in Singapore. Ade is also the founder of Security BSides Indonesia. BSides is open security conference in the world Some of his contributions to owasp include being trainer in OWASP KL DAY 2016, University Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, and an OWASP Indonesia (Jakarta) Chapter Leader. He helped organize owasp risk rating management @owasp summit London England 2017 remotely. He was an OWASP volunteer (owasp risk rating management project leader) and keynote speaker @ Taiwan International Information Security Organization Summit 2017 OWASP DAY TAIWAN 2017. https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Ade_Yoseman_Putra

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