
Dark Reading Presentations - March 31 - April 1

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Thursday, March 31 - Threat Trends Program

Location: Business Hall Theater
The Dark Reading Threat Trends Program is designed to provide security professionals with a broader look at trends in online exploits and attacks. A complement to the Black Hat Asia Briefings, the Threat Trends Program offers three separate sessions that discuss the evolution of attacker thinking as well as new tools and methods for discovering vulnerabilities and creating online exploits.

Trends in Mobile Attacks

Whether it’s iOS, Android, or some other operating environment, the mobile device has become a critical target for online attackers. But just how far have attackers gone? What are the key vulnerabilities and threats currently associated with mobile devices? In this session, attendees will get an expert view on the latest trends in mobile exploits, the most critical vulnerabilities in mobile devices, and the near-term thinking of attackers and penetration testers who are seeking ways to crack mobile device security.

Methods and Strategies For Online Attack

When it comes to attack vectors, today’s attackers have a wide range of choices. From network/infrastructure exploits to application vulnerabilities to mobile devices and embedded systems, there are many methods for approaching a target enterprise – but which will work best? In this panel session, leading experts in the various attack vectors will join to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of choosing a particular vector – and how attackers find the one that is most effective for a specific target. You’ll get a look at some of the latest thinking about network exploits, mobile exploits, and infrastructure attacks, all provided in a way that helps you select the most effective methods for your penetration tests.

Exploiting The Internet Of Things

It’s estimated that by 2020, there will be 25 billion Internet of Things (IoT) devices -- inside public infrastructure, homes, cars, and human bodies -- and all vulnerable to online attack. Attackers and penetration testers have only begun to discover these vulnerabilities, and create new exploits that take advantage of them. This panel will give attendees a rundown of the latest IoT vulnerabilities, from cars to security cameras, and their potential implications for future attacks. Experts will discuss the targets that might be struck hardest, the implications of those attacks, and what security teams can do to protect their enterprises.

Friday, April 1 - Career Trends Program

Location: Business Hall Theater
The security industry is currently facing a “security skills gap” that creates challenges for the IT security employer – and opportunities for the well-credentialed security professional. The Dark Reading Career Trends Program offers two sessions that provide insight into the current employment environment in IT security, the attitudes of security professionals (and those who hire them), and the skills and qualifications required for the security career professional.

How Security Professionals Are Approaching Current Challenges

Today’s attackers and exploits are more prolific and more sophisticated than ever. How are enterprise security professionals holding up? In this session, the editors of Dark Reading will join with other industry experts to provide insight on the state of security departments across the globe. Among the data that will be discussed are two new surveys that outline current attitudes and plans of security pros: The Black Hat Attendee Survey and the Dark Reading Strategic Security Survey. These surveys discuss the top challenges faced by the enterprise security department, its buying and budgeting plans, and enterprise experiences in handling breaches and incident response.

Advancing Your Career As a Security Pro

As a security professional, you’ve chosen one of the fastest-growing – and potentially lucrative – careers in any industry today. You’re living in a negative-unemployment market where many organizations may be competing for your services. How can you take advantage of those opportunities? In this session, top experts will discuss ways to advance your career: how to build your resume, how to approach training and certification, and when to look for a new position. You’ll get insight on how companies hire security professionals, how to approach job opportunities and interviews, and how to increase your salary in the future.