
Riyaz Walikar
For food and shelter, I am employed at one of the Big4. For fun and passion, I am a Web Application Security Engineer / Pentester / Network Security Architect. I have been active in the security community for the past 6 years and have worked on myriad computing environments, Operating Systems and hardware. I am also an active member of null -The open security community (registered not-for-profit organization, http://null.co.in) for the last couple of years and currently interact out of the Bangalore Chapter for which I am the moderator. I am also an active OWASP Bangalore member and have presented many times there.
I am actively involved with Vulnerability Research in popular Web Applications and Network aware services and have disclosed several security issues in popular software like Apache Archiva, Openfire, Joomla!, EJabberd, .NET Script Injection Bypass and I have had luck with finding vulnerabilities with popular web applications like Facebook, Twitter, Google, Cisco, Symantec, Mozilla, PayPal, Ebay, Apigee, Yahoo, Adobe, Tumblr, Pinterest, AT&T etc. for which I am on the Hall of Fame for most of these services. I also blog about my findings at www.riyazwalikar.com, if the vendor has already fixed a vulnerability.
My technical interests lie in programming, malware analysis, breaking web applications, playing CTFs and penetration testing networks exposed to the Internet. When I am not writing / breaking code, you can find me sleeping, playing football, reading or fishing.