USA 2015: Briefings Begin

You know a Black Hat event is, if not quite imminent, at least sort of on the horizon when we start rolling out intel updates for our Briefing. Briefings are the world-class, widely diverse, super-fresh tech presentations our shows are famous for, and intel updates? You're in one. Our first topic is one we've seen a lot in the news lately: the capacity for computers to learn.

As the topic of today's update suggests, machine learning is rapidly gaining popularity in the security space, with many vendors and security professionals are touting this new and soon-to-be ubiquitous technology as the ultimate malware defense. But the eager proponents aren't telling the full story, which you'll hear at Defeating Machine Learning: What Your Security Vendor is Not Telling You. Bob Klein and Ryan Peters will demonstrate how machine-learning rubrics can be defeated, and propose some novel ways to address these problems.

Our next Briefing examines the challenge of building a machine intelligence framework able to detect cyber attacks and provide automated incident response, daily reporting, and escalations as it deems necessary. From False Positives to Actionable Analysis: Behavioral Intrusion Detection, Machine Learning, and the SOC will delve into many of the practical problems inherent in building a dynamic, intelligent machine that can adapt to changing threats and catch threats its never seen before.

Finally, this last Briefing applies machine intelligence to the problem of network traffic identification, or more specifically, finding specific features like port numbers and stat characteristics in flow data. The presenters of The Applications of Deep Learning on Traffic Identification propose a method based on neural network building and deep learning, with promising results in the areas of feature learning, protocol identification, and anomalous protocol detection.

Black Hat USA 2015 will occur at the Mandalay Bay resort in Las Vegas. It goes down August 1-6, and there's still time to lock in discounts if you register before July 24.

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